Sunday, March 20, 2011

Small Changes...

Today is the first day of a 12 week walk to run program. Yes, I'm out of the boot and the splint and have started back on the road to running.

The walk/run schedule for the week:

Days 1,3,5: walk 15 min
Days 2,4,5: (walk 5, run 1)x2 walk 5

I did my 15 minute walk today and it felt good to be outside again. I downloaded the Nike+ GPS so I don't have to deal with sensors that may or may not work.

I also picked up a copy of Elie Krieger's book "Small Changes, Big Results." The concept being that you make a series of changes and at the end of 12 weeks you've developed the habits of a healthier life style. It made sense to start the same day as my w2r program. This week is about building a healthier pantry, taking 5 minutes to breathe/meditate and start a walking program.

Bottom line - one day down, 80+ more to go.

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