Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Poetic running

Sunday and yesterday I got dressed to run but never made it out the door. This morning I declared "ENOUGH" and went out for the 4 miles I've been meaning to do the past couple of days. As I was running, I was thinking about lots of things. I was thinking about how I'm running a 6-7 minute stretch and bored after a 2 minute walk break forcing myself to walk the 3rd minute instead of running to keep building my stamina. I thought about my folks and trying to make them move more. I thought about the paper due tonight that I haven't written yet and that I'm taking the MTELs next week. It's a lot to carry and running is a great way to start shedding those burdens.

What made today's run different happened after I ran past the Johnny Kelley statue.

A little past the statue, I heard brakes squealing. Turning around, I saw a turkey darting across Comm Ave running towards Johnny. I was thinking, "Wow, everyone's getting a run in today." That's when the first haiku struck:

Morning brakes squeal out
the turkey crosses Comm Ave
against the red light

and I had to tweet it during my walk break. Then, as I finished up my run, passing the high school someone had written a bunch of messages on the sidewalk in chalk including, "You lose the game" and "Never give up." I laughed as I passed the spot and wrote another haiku on twitter for my cool off walk:

You lose the game scrawled
in colorful sidewalk chalk
I run past laughing

For some reason, finding a couple of poems as I ran made today's run that much better.

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