Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Let the Training Begin

This story started a number of months ago when I signed up for the BAA distance medley.  The email came through and I thought, "Hey, this link will never work on my iPad...."  
It worked.
It asked for my information and I typed it in and pressed "submit."
Then it asked about my estimated times and I pressed "submit."
Then it asked for my credit card and I pressed "submit."

Then it hit me - I never saw how much it was going to cost me.


OK now I'm in for $225 to run a 5k, 10k and half marathon.

The 5k was fabulous, the 10k ... well, not so much.  Last week I received the training plan for the half on October 9th.  This week calls for three 2-3 mile runs and 5 mile long run.  Today was the first 2-3 mile run.  I did 2.3 miles and it felt OK.  It wasn't a great run, it wasn't a bad run, it was an OK run and a good start.  I did a .25 run/.25 walk and felt strong.

My next run is on Thursday (2-3 miles), we'll see how it goes.

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