Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I Am Iron Girl

I ran the 2nd annual Boston Iron Girl race yesterday. Last year it was in early July and it was my first real 5k, this year it was on Labor Day and it was my 3rd 5 mile race this year.

While my time was not spectacular (1:06), it was a PR for me. After rolling my ankle Thursday, I've been doing the RICE thing (rest, ice, compression, elevation). By Sunday it was feeling fine and I made a trip to Margaritaville when Jimmy Buffett landed at Gillette Stadium, so I was running this race slightly injured, little sleep and a touch dehydrated (but not hungover).

I drove in with my sister and we planned getting there so we had minimum time standing around since it's starting to get chilly in the morning (it is New England in September after all). The crowd was smaller than last year - I suspect that between the holiday and the 5 mile distance, people had other things to do. To be honest, if this race weren't on the holiday, I probably would have done the Marshfield one again as a measure.

The nice thing about the course, it was flat and I needed flat. It was also a 2.5 mile loop that you ran twice - which doesn't thrill me. I planned on running intervals: 5 min run/3 min walk and easing back if the ankle bothered me. It was a good plan and I pretty much stuck with it. In fact, I hit the water stop during walk breaks, making it that much easier. There were a couple of points where I got some bad stitches and walked through a run interval, but the ankle felt good.

I finished in 1:06 - not great but a PR for me. I would have liked to have done an hour, but given everything I'm good with my time. Would I do this again? Definitely but hopefully not after Buffett's Labor Day weekend show... but that's a different tale for a different day.


Nini said...

You are INDEED an Iron Girl :)

I am wearing last years shirt, I needed a kick out the door, so I figured... put the Iron Girl shirt on, and surprise surprise it worked!

I'm so glad to hear that you're back in the running routine... I'm always so lost without it!

JOJIT said...

Congrats on another one of your running achievements. Glad to hear your ankle is feeling better. Hope you're having a good week, Cap'n!

RunninRobin said...

Great job on your PR! I would love to run 5 miles that fast!

Yaay Iron Girl!

Aaron (worker bee) said...

HEY~ You are MIA from the beginners forum~! We miss ya Capt!

I am doing Doug Fluties 5k in mid oct..Join me maybe you will?

Love Shell