We're home. Last night I crashed for about 11 hours. I'm not surprised given that we took a red-eye home and the time changes and such. So today I woke up and realized that I still had an LSD to do this week of 4 miles.
All morning long I struggled about this. First I needed to eat and then it was laundry and then it was... well, no more excuses so I changed up and headed out. Immediately I knew it was not going to be an easy run and at the end of one mile I realized I wasn't running any further.
What to do? Should I go home and call it a day or what?
I decided I was doing the 4 miles - even if it meant walking the last 3, so I did exactly that. It took 1:16:45 to do the whole route, but I did it. I also intend to run that route before this week is over.
It was as if the inner loser took a new approach - instead of whining and shouting and tantruming, it just kept getting heavier and heavier. As if I were carrying a huge weight that was wearing me out. By walking the last 3 miles, I managed to make it clear that no matter how tired I may feel - I'm going to do this.
So let me lay out my schedule for the week:
Monday: XT day
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: XT day
Thursday 2 mile run
Friday: XT day
Saturday: (at least) 4 mile run
Sunday: off
Way to go on beating your inner loser down. Mine reared its whiney head last week.
You are doing awesome!
Way to GO! You show that inner loser who's the boss. :-D -- Dulcinea9 (Got here from the runnersworld forum.)
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