I think I figured out how to use the loser-be-gone properly this morning. As you may recall, last week my inner loser kept throwing tantrums and I was trying to figure out how to get it under control. Yesterday, after finding out I was actually running further than I realized, I decided to try a slightly different approach.
I mapped out my 3 mile run using that nifty GPS tool at the USTFA site and then, since I knew my route, I then took a different approach. Up until now I've been groovin' on these 14/1's, today I changed it to a 28/2 - run for 28 minutes, walk for 2 minute recovery and then finish the course in whatever.
It worked nicely. Even better was the 28 brought me to the traffic light and the 2 gave me the chance to cross the road and get back to the path. I was then able to finish out the course without worrying about distance, time, etc and I did it in 34 minutes!!!!
Holy crap! That's an 11:46 pace!
The other part of the loser-be-gone application was out on the path. Today there were mostly women out there - singles, pairs, old, young - you name it. Most of us greeted each other, but there were a couple out there that were walking with strollers that went beyond that to say, "looking great" when they passed going the other way on the back half of the loop.
Last night I asked Gazelle boy to wait until the sun came up before he did his mileage. He grumbled and told me about how safe his route was, etc., etc., etc. until I finally said, "if anything ever happened to you, I don't know if I could bear it."
When I left at 6:15, the door was unlocked and his shoes weren't on the rack. I know the door was locked and they were on the rack at 3 am when I woke up and had to pee. Since he usually goes out for a long run in the wee hours - I think he heeded my request. Oh wait, I know as he just walked in the door.
But I feel good. I'm also going to map out a 1 mile route up Heartbreak Hill for my 2 miler on Thursday (1 mile up, 1 mile down). I figure that it's harder to bail when you have to run to your car in order to get home.
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