Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Training for a 10K

I signed up for the Tufts 10k.

I took the plunge, filled out the app gave them the financial info and I'm good to go.

When I told Mr. Pi (to the right with Red Sox ambassador and part time ball girl Meg - another in the stable of "hot women" he is "crushin' on"), he told me he was proud of me for sticking with this after he quit.

He also said he can't wait to hold up a sign that says "Go Mom!" along the route.

He did take my 30 day challenge and said that, towards the end, he ran farther than he ever thought he could, but he's not sure if he's going to keep it up. I'm making him go to the pool with me today while I do my laps and hoping he joins in.

Part of why I signed up was I got a call from a friend of mine who wanted to start running again and told me about the Running Clinic at the Boston Sports Club (BSC) on Tuesday nights. She wanted to know if I'd join her for the clinics. I figured it would be a good thing for me to do something like that, so I agreed.

Yesterday was supposed to be a 3 mile run, but since the weekly running clinic started last night, I figured I'd put it off to see what we'd be doing.

The clinic is being run by a military guy who works as a personal trainer at the club. (He a N'tl Guard Lt. - so he's part time military.) There were like 2 dozen women and two men there and my friend and I are the only ones over 40 in the group. First he had us doing all sorts of funky stretches, leg hops, agility drills and such and then we went for a 1 mile evaluation run.

Because this is Boston and we got rain for the first time in a long time yesterday, I didn't factor in things for myself like the humidity and allergens. About half way through the run, my asthma decided to pop up and say, "Hey there - how you doing?" I'm glad I had my inhaler with me, but I haven't needed it on a run in over a month so I forgot how much that takes out of me and we ended up walking the last half mile of the run.

I know I'm still a bit out of whack from the trip - so today is all about starting to resume normal schedules. After I swim, I'll drop stuff off at the library and go food shopping. I'll spend some time before swimming working out a game plan food-wise for the week and start getting back into my groove. I suspect that will make a big difference in terms of getting past this heavy, plodding feeling that's been trying to creep over me.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Way to go on signing up for a 10K! You can do it.

I did one back in June and plan to do another in October.

You are doing an awesome job.

pika said...

Thanks RC. I'll be sure to keep folks updated on the training and such.