Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stupid HOF ballot

Once again Jim Rice was denied entry into the Hall of Fame. If Mark McGwire had been voted in over Rice, I'd be on my way to Cooperstown to kick in the doors to demand entrance for Rice.

Don't get me wrong, Rice was a prima dona and his revisionist history of himself as a player has always rubbed me the wrong way, but the man was the gold standard (if not platinum in his prime) up until the last mediocre year.

I am firmly of the belief that if you send in a blank ballot, you shouldn't be sent a ballot in the future. I am also firmly of the belief that the majority of sports writers are idiots. We need more guys like Frank DeFord who tell the story of the game and not just recap the box score. The majority of today's media coverage lacks soul. We have quantity, not quality.

But until we have more real writers in the media instead of sterile morons with the proper degree, we will continue to see incidents like last year and this year when it comes to such things as hall of fame voting.


Red said...

True true....
p.s. if you go to kick doors down could you video tape it....I'd like to see that video:)

Anonymous said...

"Girls gone wild -- Tek takes on Cooperstown"


"Rumble in the Brickdust"

You're right, though. And, as a lifelong GIANTS fan, I would be spitting nails if McGwire (mediocre little twit) had made it into the hall. Steroids haven't made Bonds a great player, fielder, hitter, baserunner, Golden Glove winner, batting champ. But they took McGuire from a nobody to America's grotesquely muscled darling for one sorry season.

(Now, don't slam me too hard because I still love Barry Bonds.)