Friday, January 19, 2007

Hurts So Good

It started as "one of those days..." The kids being kids, the husband being the husband and breaking two nails in the process. The strap on my gym bag ripped out of the seam (it was a freebie from the Red Sox - no great loss but still sad on many levels), so I ran into Target to get a new bag.

Ironically, that's were things began to turn around. I found another Mr. Pi birthday present on clearance (a desk lamp that you can plug your iPod into) as well as a new bag and picked up a yoga bag as well. By the time I got to the gym, I was pretty sure I was going to bag the last 3.5 mile run scheduled for the week - I just didn't have the time and I was till recovering from "the day" I was having earlier.

Yoga went long today. The instructor is used to doing a 90 minute class in a yoga studio rather than 60 in a health club. She again did a lot of work on opening the hips and twisting poses, which was good but I felt every single posture and not always in a happy way. Not in a bad way, but that sort of "son of a bitch I felt that one" sort of way.

Then I met with the trainer who put me through some serious paces today. A lot of calf work and a lot of opening up the hip flexors. By the end of the time, I was dying... again in that good way where my body is well aware it was working hard and not in a painful way.

At this point I knew I just couldn't squeeze the run in - it really would take too much time that I just didn't have at that point.

I also realized that all I had eaten today was some cheddar cheese on an english muffin. Not good at all. I need to make sure I'm fueled properly and for some reason, it slipped my mind today. So I treated myself to some fresh sushi and miso at the Japanese food court after my work outs. I was tempted to go for a beef bowl, but I didn't want to load down. The sushi & miso were just right.

I may try to squeeze the run in tomorrow - we'll see what the weather brings and how I'm feeling. I do have a 5 mile run scheduled for Sunday, so I may just punt it. I mean, I did 10.5 miles this week and it's the first week I've done more than a couple of miles total. There is something inside saying, "Take it easy girl" and perhaps that's why I've punted on the last run of the week.

In the mean time, I'm comfortable with what I did today. Tomorrow I may be cursing everyone and thing for putting me through my paces today, but for now I feel sore in a good way.


Nini said...

Yay! On Sunday, I'm going to run my first 5 miles "with" you... so you'd better do that long run so I'm not lonely :-p

Nini said...

Or maybe it won't be my first five... maybe the last 5... hmmmmm....

Adrienne said...

Hmm, what is a yoga bag? I have a mat that I take with me to the gym everytime, a bag might be useful.

Okay, is the trainer really helping? I'm considering one, but I don't want to spend the money if it isn't going to make the difference I'm hoping for.

pika said...

Hey Nini - maybe it will be the middle 5 ;)

Red - it's a bag that holds a yoga mat, brick, strap and some other essentials. Gaiam makes it and I needed something big enough to carry the brick & strap along with the mat. (Use the sweaty brick & strap from the health club... ewwwwwwww! :P)

The trainer has been good so far, but I've only met with him a couple of times. There were a couple of times today he pushed me past where I would have pushed myself - which is a good thing.

pika said...

Hey Nini - maybe it will be the middle 5 ;)

Red - it's a bag that holds a yoga mat, brick, strap and some other essentials. Gaiam makes it and I needed something big enough to carry the brick & strap along with the mat. (Use the sweaty brick & strap from the health club... ewwwwwwww! :P)

The trainer has been good so far, but I've only met with him a couple of times. There were a couple of times today he pushed me past where I would have pushed myself - which is a good thing.

L*I*S*A said...

I have 10 miles on tap today and the temp outside is 14 degrees. Can you say COLD!!?? Oh my...

I have to try sounds so challenging.

JOJIT said...

Yoga seems interesting. I just might try it because there is a free community class starting next month. Do you notice any changes in your body overall since you started doing yoga?

GB said...

I gotta get started on Yoga. I even purchased a DVD, Yoga for Athletes. Haven't cracked the wrapping open yet. :( That was a good training day for you. Sore muscles are the best kind!