Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New (Calendar) Year!

I was all set to run in a New Year's 4 miler but when I woke up to freezing rain and rain, I thought better of it. Normally running in the rain wouldn't bother me, but where I'm just getting over stuff, I didn't want to risk it. So instead I headed into the gym to do some time on the treadmill.

Now it clearly wasn't a day for me to do anything serious. The weather had stopped me from running outside but when I got to the gym, I realized I didn't have the antenna for the Nike+ with me - so anything I did was going to be unrecorded - and I could live with that - but running on a treadmill just wasn't... well, I don't want to say "fun" because I don't expect it to be. I guess it wasn't satisfying.

As I thought about it, I realized this is like when I first started and wouldn't run where people would see me. I was always worried people would make fun of me. As I started up the treadmill, I realized that I had no clue how to program the thing. I mean, if you want to run a hilly 5k course, how do you set that on these things? What if you want to run a flat, easy tempo distance or something in between?

I stood there watching other folks - fitter folks who were all much younger than me - confidently straddle the belt, push some buttons and then they were off. Me, I stood there thinking, "I should know how to do this."

I only spent 20 minutes on the thing - pretty much raising and lowering the speed as I went along according to what I felt I could handle. The truth is, I joined because I want to do weight training and I really want someone there to keep an eye on me so I don't hurt myself. The idea of running on the treadmill on days like yesterday are a bonus.

This week I'll set up my time with the personal trainer to work through some weight stuff and figure out a plan. I've got to get back to form before the Hyannis race at the end of February. I'd like to be able to feel like I could do the half - if I wanted to - even though I'm signing up for the 10k.

It all leads to this week's mantra: I must be patient with myself.


Red said...

I can totally relate to your TM experience, I was trying it out for the first time last week and ours has this little thing connected to it that if it comes undone it stops because it thinks you died or something, well I was hanging on to that end lol....I had no idea sheesh. Anyway good luck with the weight training:)

GB said...

Pika, I bet nobody even noticed you trying to figure out the TM at the gym, and if they had noticed they probably would've offered to help you. We've all been there! It's so frustrating, but then it becomes old hat. Be kind to yourself, and everything will fall into place. Happy New Year!

JOJIT said...

I can relate to your TM experience. The worst thing that happened to me when I tried to workout on the TM was that it slowed down, could not go any faster and kept on beeping and displaying a message (I forgot what it was). Guess I was too heavy for the TM! The worst thing is that everyone in that room started looking at me. Anyway, Happy 2007 and good luck on the weight training.

Jenn said...

Just think...next time you go in there you will be an expert ;o)

Hope you are feeling better!

Pat said...

Hey, I got a 7 disc dvd of the 1975 World Series and thought about you. I grew up in cincy and this was the best Xmas gift I got. I like Boston, because of this great world series. I hope Bostonites appreciate what a great job the 75 Red Sox did.

Hope you're having a great winter.

Arizona, USA

Valerie said...

You know what...I still stand there sometimes and fiddle with the buttons, because sometimes I can't decide what to run...don't worry about what others are thinking...they are wondering the same thing!